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This is Joe...isn't he cute. |
Today, just three days beyond my 42nd wedding anniversary, my husband dropped me off at my Aunties to live for a few months. He then returned to our home of 30 years to work a bit and prepare us financially for an interstate move. He wants to live in Arizona on Lake Havasu, water ski as long as he is physically able, enjoy the isolation from the people masses. We are going. I'm willing. I still cried. Im a California beach girl and such a transplant is daunting. But I surrender...this warrior knows my battle is with my worldly desires and thirst for security. The need know my future is relentless and the enemy's breaths of fear and doubt of faith is relentless... Get behind me enemy.
Now, let me just say that my Auntie lives in Santa Barbara and I'm here during the most glorious time of the year; the beach is gorgeous, sunsets unbelievable, and water warm enough to swim in...so this deal is not all THAT horrifying. What is NOT here, however, is Joe.
1. Trust Bears Fruit. No matter what's going on God has a plan for me that will prosper me, bless me and meet my deep desire for meaningful and significant contribution. I expect things to look a certain way at a certain time. I want to write the screenplay for my life and it is unfailingly small and limited. Yet I write! I lay down the pen. You can lay down your pen too. You too can seek first Heaven and its Righteousness, and all things will be added. Here we find peace.
2. Remember - We Are At War. My princess dress is hanging in the closet. There was a time not so long ago when we were living in the Kingdom carefree, enjoying parties in the palace, rich in laughter, dancing, playing in the sun. These are not those days. I'm not wearing my ball gown, instead I'm wearing my battle gear poised for battle with an enemy I cannot see. I live under the tyranny of the urgent; there is little time to waste, and I am sober, alert and prepared to respond to whatever instruction the Holy Spirit has for me each day. The Bible teaches us that our life is hidden in Christ; we have been gifted and groomed for maximum efficiency in the Kingdom of God. My deepest desire is to walk in my calling. As I watch this unfold, I am unnerved! You too, have something far greater to accomplish for the sake of others...leaving your own creature comforts and fortress of security behind...letting go and following God is rich in anticipation and excitement. Come with me!
3. Let courage rule in your heart. There are many things I do not understand in this world. Things in this life that are out of alignment with what I believe God wants from us; justices to make right, causes of the innocent to protect. I don't always know what the right thing to do or say is but this I do know...Love does not fail...it does not fail ourselves and it does not fail others. Unfailing love is not always nice. Sometimes truth telling is painful. I am called to be a compassionate truth teller. My role is to explain the things of God as he has decreed them, not as I wish them to be. Love will place another's safety and hope in the hands of God even at the expense of personal comfort and interest. Follow your heart. When fear rises up, believe that God is who He says he is and will do what He has said he will do.
In the coming days, the people of God must know what they are doing. They must be willing to sacrifice everything to walk the path of holiness and submission. Here I am and Joe is far from me physically; but I trust in his character and commitment that we are walking together toward something extraordinary.
I can't wait.
Love bears all things