Sunday, May 17, 2015

Three Simple Ingredients for a Strong Cup O' Love

Think of yourself as a container - a cup - let's say with the capacity to be filled to the brim with love. 

Can anyone argue that human beings are made to love and be loved? Maybe you could argue that, but what would you say? Anyway - here are three ingredients that will make your life overflowing with loving expressions and experiences:

1.  Friendship. I went looking for a definition of this word and found this at Wikipedia... I like:
"Such characteristics include affection, sympathyempathyhonestyaltruism, mutual understanding and compassion, enjoyment of each other's company, trust, and the ability to be oneself, express one's feelings, and make mistakes without fear of judgment from the friend."
Be sure you have an abundance of relationships in your life that fill this criteria.  People who are unable to engage with you in these ways are drinking from your cup, draining it maybe, but never pouring into it. Do you need permission to identify and then limit your time and resources with these? I give it to you. Are we to love the unloveable? I believe yes. But how much of me I give away is up to me... 

First be this kind of friend, then nurture, celebrate and enjoy those who freely pour into your life with abundance.

2.  Peace. I find peace to be probably the most necessary ingredient to a delicious cup of love. The opposite of peace, whatever creates that...drives an emotional roller coaster. My Creator is perfect for receiving my anxiety and distress so a spiritual life can play a huge role in finding inner peace. I seek out circumstances and situations that foster it the beach, meditation or going inside to my quiet place amidst strife and turmoil, peace looks lovely on me and others. Love flourishes in it.

3. Passion. May I just say that passion is a most delicious ingredient? Passion is described as a very strong feeling about a person or a thing. Passion is often associated with intimacy but it is much more than that.  I am passionate about God and the "compelling enthusiasm" I have about communicating his great Love, Power and Tender Heart, moves me all the time. My cup o' love is full when I walk in the truths I believe in.  What are your passions? What are those circumstances or ideas that rock your soul?

Maybe you feel empty and drained. Cultivate relationships with those who are able to pour into you not just take from you; Maybe you taste a little bland. Spice it up with opportunities to do what you love...paint, travel, be an activist...honor that thing in you that gets you all riled up! And when it comes to it, seek it, love it.